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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Sent by Earth

A Message from the Grandmother Spirit After the Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

by Alice Walker

Book cover for Sent by Earth
Book cover for Sent by Earth

Alice Walker's Sent By Earth reflects on the tragedy of September 11, 2001, and addresses the anger many Americans felt at the presumed perpetrator of the attack: Osama bin Laden. In powerfully reflective, nuanced, and above all heartfelt prose, Walker explores the seeds of hatred and resentment around the globe, and advances a surprisingly controversial theory: that hatred can never be defeated by hatred, but only by love.

Book cover for Sent by Earth
Book cover for Sent by Earth

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“[Alice Walker] has transcended expectations in her response to September 11. Sent by Earth … is simple, practical, and beyond argument.”

Alice Walker

Winner of both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, Alice Walker was born in Eatonville, Georgia, in 1944, and educated at Spelman College and Sarah Lawrence College. The author of more than thirty books including The Color Purple and Sent by Earth, her writings have been translated into more than two dozen languages. Not only a writer of fiction, but a vigorous and indefatigable activist, Walker has done as much as any contemporary author to bolster the rights of women and people of color. From her essays on the civil rights movement to her cries for intervention on the Gaza Strip, Walker continually and eloquently calls attention to ignored injustices around the world.