Allison Butler is a Senior Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Advising, and the Director of the Media Literacy Certificate Program in the Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she teaches courses on critical media literacy and representations of education in the media. Butler co-directs the grassroots organization, Mass Media Literacy (www.massmedialiteracy.org), where she develops and runs teacher trainings for the inclusion of critical media literacy in K-12 schools. She is on the Board of ACME (Action Coalition for Media Education) and serves as the vice president of the Board of the Media Freedom Foundation. She holds an MA and a PhD from New York University. She is the author of numerous articles and books on media literacy, most recently, Educating Media Literacy: The Need for Teacher Education in Critical Media Literacy (Brill, 2020) and Key Scholarship in Media Literacy: David Buckingham (Brill, 2021) and the co-author of Critical Media Literacy and Civic Learning, a critical media literacy accompaniment to the open-source social studies textbook Building Democracy for All (EdTech Books, 2021)
Books by Allison T. Butler
edited by Project Censored, by Project Censored and The Media Revolution Collective , Mickey Huff, et al.
The Media and Me
edited by Project Censored, by Project Censored and The Media Revolution Collective , Mickey Huff, et al.